A Note on Nasturtiums
Before starting this garden I had a vague idea about Nasturtiums, however
I had no idea that they were such great 'value'!
We can use the delicate petals to add a burst of colour to salads or as a garnish,
the leaves can be eaten apparently and I personally think they taste a bit like
We can even make pest tea and pesto with these leaves!!
It is good to have a Nasturtium plant close by too when we scratch ourselves
in the garden because the leaves have antibacterial properties
and can simply be crushed and put on the cut.
They are great for attracting the good bugs, which eat the bad bugs,
which eat our food, and they are fantastic at looking after our
pumpkin and cucumber plants...
Three cheers for Nasturtiums, good bugs and homegrown pumpkins
that are shy cutie pies.
(well I hope the bug below is a good fellow?)
Amazing! And how abundant your garden is.... Looks like everything is thriving - well done! It all looks beautiful and delicious too.