What we are Eating in June

 The garden has loved the weather in the last couple of months and with some 
new garden beds in, we have started to get rewarded with colourful veg. 
The snowpeas are eaten straight from the vine daily!
The eggplants, radish and beetroots are a little fewer but still delicious when we find one.
The squash and zucchini are so cute and lovely sauteed in a dob of butter. Theyhave some white mould on their leaves (which the yellow ladybug loves), 
but nothing some milk and water (1:10) didn't control.
We found a huge supply of capsicums or peppers...still not sure what type.
Lettuce and Amaranth is popping up everywhere, even on the ground, which I guess is what happens when you leave the seeds to dry and fly around freely!
Garlic is sprouting  too.
Plus, so many more things, I can't keep track of them.

We have also been busy starting to clear the dam and revegetate with filtering and native plants.
(The arrowroot loves the clay soil here also).

These are some bulbs we have planted around the yard, 
hopefully in Spring we will get a surprise or two,
fingers crossed!


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